Saturday, October 10, 2015

Prayer of an archangel

God save your creation from this sinner,
Shall you allow them touch the warmth of the sun,
Shall they taste the fresh waters of the Nile,
Shall they smile their life at every moment,
Shall they fall in love with themselves,
For I was made not to touch them,
Shall my purpose in life be their protection,
For my love for it all, belongs to you,
For my greatest battle is for your greatest creation,
Give my sword the power to win every battle,
Give my soul the light to follow your path,
Give my wings the strength to command my soul.

Song of an archangel

Hear my prayers father,
Hear my soul,
Hear my heart,
Hear the song of my soul,
Hear the song of my heart,
Shall I be reminded of my warrior soul, shall I use this warrior heart to fight for your souls,
Guide me with your light in my moments of dispair,
Let thy kingdom come,
Shall your will be done in heaven as it is on earth,
Heal my hurt wings,
Allow me to guide your creation to the light that only your love commands,
Father let this archangel pledge but allow me not to make my will but yours.

The last seal announcement

I come to you with peace and love,
Shall I speak in a tongue you don't understand for you to hear,
Shall one of my many past memories be told for you to believe,
I have been here before brothers and sisters,
Before me many have come before,
Every single one proclaiming the peace and love of a heaven not far from where you stand,
But their words blurry or ambiguous shall become when they are put in your tongues,
I have told you before to live in peace, live with love, every moment of your life,
For there is not greater sadness for those who don't,
For I tell you my family, that if I break the last seal, shall it be as the prophets before me have come and said,
For the breaking of the last seal shall be to purify our world and allow nature to continue her course,
Walk every moment of your life with altered soul, give love as much as you can, be grateful for all that you have, for much blood of my brothers has been shed for you,
Be sedentary in this world for its not yours to eat alive,
Much sadness from our father have I felt, much terror from your relentlessness have we allow,
But not more brothers, for God, your God, our God is about to become,
You have been adviced of his return long ago,
For he will arrive with his rules and he will arrive with all his love,
And he will ask you, what have you done to deserve to go back to the heaven where you came from?,
For I tell you that if you have touch with hot iron a brother of yours, shall your soul be touched by the iron of God,
Every sin will be washed away if you repent, for what you do to your brother is as if you did it to yourself,
We all have a divine work to do here before we are called,
Brother open your eyes, for this world is a moment of life, a moment which you shall rejoice at all times,
Come to the light and allow the dark to purify your soul, for in this world you are made out of them both,
For God made you in his image so shall you decide, decide what destiny for you to take, what path to follow,
For I tell you brother that there is not light without darkness, for God left his greatest gift to his greatest creation, the power of will, so shall you choose the path of love to live forever or shall you choose the path of darkness to die often.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


For thousands of years we have been lying to,
For thousands of years we have been slaved,
For thousands of years they have blind us,
No more, brother of mine,
Let your heart sing the new song of happiness and love,
Let the love wash your soul anew,
Come with me to the heavens,
Because in paradise you belonged to the physical world,
In heaven your soul will rejoice,
Love will save your soul,
Love will deliver us all,
Love the greatest power of them all,

Bring the children games to the house of the lord,
Keep thy soul pure and clean,
Because an angel you have always been....

Sunday, November 2, 2014

a miracle of life

as far as we know, we do not know that in the next millisecond of life, the whole universe ceases to exist, but somehow a 0.001% change of happening keeps repeating, the string theory, is the balance of life what keeps world going round, what helps you alive coordinate to a system of biochemical reactions, united through a self maintained system of seven to 14 energies, or Ono.

Monday, October 27, 2014